The FTC "Funeral Rule" was enacted in 1984 and is designed to ensure that all funeral homes including Tillinghast Funeral Homes provide consumers adequate information with regards to the products and services they are charged for, including obtaining price information on the telephone.
Tillinghast Funeral Homes - Danielson, CTCategory: Danielson, United States Local Services Funeral Services & Cemeteries Funeral Services & Cemeteries. 433 Main St Danielson, CT 06239 (860) 774-3284 -funeral-homes-danielson
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Tillinghast Funeral Homes Danielson, Connecticut iMortuary.comListing for Tillinghast Funeral Homes in Danielson, Connecticut, which deals with funerals and cremation. -homes/connecticut/danielson/tillinghast-funeral-homes/
Tillinghast, W Craig - Tillinghast Funeral Homes, Danielson ...Tillinghast, W Craig - Tillinghast Funeral Homes, Danielson, CT : Reviews and maps - Yahoo! Local, 860.774.3284. Get Ratings, Reviews, Photos and more on Yahoo! Local. -10543112-tillinghast-w-craig-tillinghast-funeral-homes-danielson
Tillinghast Funeral HomesGet reviews for the things that matter most in Danielson, CT including Funerals on Insider Pages -funeral-homes-danielson